The 8th phase auto distribution of the WE-Auto project, a women empowerment initiative under the Fisherment Community Development Programme (FCDP), was held at the FCDP office on July 16, 2024. Mr. Shefeek B, (SHO Pallithottam Police Station) flagged off and executed the distribution. Mrs. Dayana and Mrs. Chitra were the recipients of autos under the We-Auto scheme. The project aims to mainstream coastal women, break employment stereotypes, and achieve financial independence. Mrs. Agnes John (Chairperson, FCDP) presided over the function. Distinguished guests, including Fr. Thomas (Asst. Vicar St. Stephen Church Thope), Dr. Sindha Mendez (Board Member FCDP), and ,Mr. Ashik (Manager of Piaggio) conveyed their greetings. Attendees included Mrs. Tomy Joseph (Board Member FCDP), Sr. Freddy (Board Member, FCDP), Fr. Jithin Sebastian (Director, FCDP-TMS) Sr. Mary K (Asst. Director, TMS), and other staff members.
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