Date : October 2024

In view of expanding the boundaries of FCDP-TMS towards more fishermen communities a Fish and Food Processing training class was organized at St. Anne's Convent, Sakthikulangara.
In collaboration with KCYM Thankassery Forane Fr. Akhil beety (Asst. vicar. St John De Britto Sakthikulangara) welcome the gathering. Fr. Jison, (Assistant Director KCYM, Diocese of Quilon), officially inaugurated the program, emphasizing the importance of skill development and entrepreneurship in uplifting the livelihoods of fishermen communities. Sr. Mary K (Asst. Director,TMS) Delivered Vote of Thanks. The program was attended by 20 members. The training program aimed to equip participants with essential skills in fish and food processing, enabling them to create value-added products and enhance their income. Expert trainer Ajay Shankar guided the participants through covering topics such as Fish handling and preservation, Food safety and hygiene’ Product development and packaging, Marketing strategies. the program has paved the way for participants to enhance their livelihoods, contribute to economic growth, promote sustainable fishing practices, and improve food security and nutrition in their regions.

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